Did you know that your favorite Battleship video game is developed based on the old board game which took place in the 1900s? Today we want to introduce to the very core of this prominent game title. This popular board game is one that combines mathematical concepts and logical reasoning, with naval strategy. The main goal is to sink the enemy fleet by trying to guess its location on the board. A game is suitable for young and old for being a simple and entertaining game. Below you will find a brief history of the game and the rules of the classic game.


This game has its origins in one in pencil and paper that was popular for the 1900s. Mainly among the soldiers of World War I. By that time, they drew a grid on a piece of paper and placed some boats on it. A role was later created that came to the market to play a game similar to the current Battleship. In 1943 Milton Bradley released the game in a pencil-and-paper version. But it wasn’t until 1967 that he published it as we know it. It was received very well because many already understood the concept, and seeing it in a three-dimensional form was quite a novelty. In 1977, an electronic version was bp. The rights currently belong to Hasbro. Today there are different versions of the game but all based on the same concept. Which you can all try out online, it is equally fun.

Description and objective of the game

The game is between two people, taking place on two three-dimensional boards. Each person has a committee consisting of two 10 x 10 perpendicular grids with perforations. In one of them, the one that remains horizontal will be your naval space, and there you will place your ships. In the other grid, the vertical, you will place markers that will help you locate your opponent’s fleet. The goal is to find your opponent’s ships and sink their entire fleet. The first to do so will win the game.


Ages:seven years onwards


  • Two boards
  • Ten boats
  • 84 red markers
  • 164 white markers

Board and boats

Each board contains a 10 x 10 grid. The horizontal axis is labeled with letters A through J, following the alphabetical order, and the axis Each ship has perforations to locate the markers. The boats come in four different sizes: two, three, four, and five holes.

Start of the game

Give each player aboard, five ships (one from each class), red markers, and white markers. Each player will place their boats in the horizontal grid without their opponent seeing where they are located. The movement is always horizontally or vertically, never diagonally. Vessels can be touched at the ends but never on top of each other.

Game development

Players take turns attacking their opponent. To attack, you will name coordinates where you think one of your opponent’s ships is located. First, you will call the letter and then the number, for example (A,7). Your opponent will place the coordinate on their grid. If there’s a ship at that coordinate, it should say, “You gave me.” If there is no ship located at the parallel, it should say, “You failed.” If you managed to hit a boat, you’d mark that coordinate on the vertical grid with a red marker, and if you failed, you’d mark it with a white one. It is how you will guess using logic the location of the different boats.

Similarly, if your boat was attacked, then you must mark it with a red marking. When a ship has a suitable location, that is, all spaces are marked with red, you must say, “You gave me and sunk the ship.” The moment you manage to sink an enemy ship; you must place a red marker on top of the board in a few holes for this purpose.

End of the game

The game ends when the five ships of one player are being sunken; the other player is declared the winner.

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